City Region Deal Annual Report 2023/24

The Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal’s Annual Report was approved by Joint Committee on 6 September.

The report summarises progress of the Programme for the sixth year since the signing of the 15-year programme (August 2023 to July 2024). The report contains a City Region Deal overview, Financial Statement (for the financial year 2023-24), a short summary of progress on each project and programme and expected milestones to be achieved in the next year. Seven case study videos are included in the report to demonstrate how the Deal’s projects and programmes are benefiting people.

The report includes updated figures showing the positive benefits that the Deal has brought to the region, including:

  • adding £2.2bn Gross Value Added to the Scottish and UK economy;

  • creating or supporting 20,000 job opportunities;

  • supporting 900 micro, small and medium enterprises;

  • supporting 500 apprentices and internships;

  • donating over £100,000 to regional good causes; and

  • leveraging an additional 45% on government funding drawn down thus far

 Read the full report (interactive) or download the accessible version  [PDF, 2.3MB]