The HCI Skills Gateway delivers clear, integrated, and inclusive progression routes into construction careers across the Edinburgh and South East Scotland city region. It covers all skill levels, from introducing basic skills in schools, through to advanced postgraduate training for people under-represented in senior construction roles through 5 key work strands:

  • Inclusive reach & Early Years

  • Employability Pathways

  • Accelerating into Work and Upskilling

  • Advanced Skills & Gender Diversity

  • Talent Development

The HCI Skills Gateway creates opportunities for everyone, covering skills at all stages including supporting young people to consider careers in the built environment, finding new ways to train for 21st century construction careers and delivering fast and effective training courses in the new skills needed for our region’s infrastructure. The HCI Skills Gateway challenges the industry’s conventional thinking with highly skilled and diverse future leaders, whilst accelerating talent to excel within built environment careers.

Visit the HCI Skills Gateway for opportunities in your area.

Project Lead: Dr Kenny Leitch, Edinburgh Napier University

HCI Skills Gateway Project Proposition [PDF 1.4 MB]

HCI Skills Gateway helped to secure funding for the Net Zero Innovation and Delivery Programme. To be run by Fife Council it covers the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal area and includes challenges and opportunities unique to each of the local authorities.