Six-Year Anniversary

Today marks the six-year anniversary of the signing of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal. 

 Signing of the City Region Deal, 7 August, 2018, Bayes Centre, Edinburgh

The Deal is a 15-year, £1.5 billion programme of 20 projects across five themes, aimed at driving productivity and reducing inequality, with £600m of this contributed equally by the Scottish and UK Governments.

This year, two major capital projects were completed within the Research, Development and Innovation theme: the Edinburgh Futures Institute (a fantastic transformation of the Old Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh) and the Usher Institute for Population Health Sciences and Informatics.

Edinburgh Futures Institute 

Usher Institute

Some of the benefits as a direct result of the Deal investment have now been calculated and include:

  • £1.5bn of Gross Value Added to the City Region, Scottish and UK economy;

  • Over 18,000 job opportunities created and supported;

  • 100,000 students completing data courses;

  • £200m secured in research funding through the Data-Driven Innovation programme;

  • More than 900 micro, small and medium enterprises supported; and

  • Over 500 apprenticeships and internships supported.

You can read more in our sixth annual report, which will be published on our website on 9 September.  Subscribe to our newsletter to make sure you don’t miss out!